So sometimes it’s better to say “from the U.S.” instead of “American. **Although “American” is the most common way to refer to someone from the U.S., I recognize that this can be considered offensive to citizens of other countries in North America, Central America, and South America. * There are two ways to pronounce the syllable: GWAY (like “way”) and GWAI (like “eye”). Notice that some of these words end in -IAN, but the “I” is silent. You can also practice your pronunciation of the country and nationality words. PDF COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES EXERCISES 1 - Blogs UAB Countries, nationalities and languages 1 re ligne pays 2me ligne nationalit 3me ligne langue. They will pretend to be from those countries and will write a short passage similar to the ones in the worksheet. In today’s lesson, I’ve organized the words into categories that can help you remember them better. Countries and Nationalities in Spanish PDF Reading Worksheet Download Extra Activity: Students work in groups of four to do some research about a specific country from a list provided by the teacher.

and Foreign Policy Objectives', Nationalities Papers, 42:6 (2014), pp. Other French exercises about the same topic: Countries and nationalities Choose.

One big vocabulary and pronunciation problem in English is knowing how to pronounce the English names of countries, nationalities, and languages. 'How Successful are US Efforts to Build Capacity in Developing Countries. Learn French > French exercises & lessons > Countries and nationalities.